The Journey to financial freedom

Episode 3..Moving forward

Previously from episode 2. …You have started a career after graduation…

You are now an employee with whatever profession you have.You are now earning money. You have been working for many years now and then it hit you cold. Like a knock out punch of Mike Tyson, or Manny Pacquiao. You come to realize this “I have worked for so many years and I don’t have any savings”. How come? Where is all the money that I have earned? You are now aware of the reality of the financial situation that you are in, as you may have been informed by your colleagues that have financial education, or you may have discovered it yourself somewhere.

At this point in time, you are at your 30’s there are many things that had happen in your life. You have become more mature. You might have got married; you might have shifted your focus from helping your family and relatives to your own life and your own family. This were some major renovation that have occurred in your life. The bottom line is as far as your finances are concern you are either broke or now living pay check to paycheck except for some who manage to take control early in the game.

Remember on the epdisode 2? About budgeting and saving some portion of the salary? That was 9 years ago. And if that person has save 2000 pesos a month that’s 24000 pesos a year and by this time that will be a total of 216000 pesos. What if that person has save 5000 pesos a month 9 years later it is 540000 pesos. That’s more than a half million pesos that could have been use to invest and give you more leverage.

At this point in time, it appears that to be financially free is just a mere fairy tale, too good to be true.
You lose the hype of working; you have been employed to many different companies doing the same thing. Living pay check to pay check, you are on a loop and struggling to get out of there.

Would there still be hope? “Can I still straighten this up?” Or would I give up the fight? And accept my fate that this is the best that I’ve got to life? This self defeating attitude is, where most of us are imprison because we do not have the will to fight back and believe that we can get out of the trouble.

You want the way out? But does not know how?
To be continued….

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