The Journey to financial freedom

Episode 2

Let the game begin..

Previously on episode 1…So you are now a professional after 14 years of education.

You have chosen your career and all hype and excited of your first job, first pay check etc.
You are now a success, this is the moment that you have been waiting for to finally be able to help your family, you parents, siblings, relatives or whoever that person that help you achieve this feat.

After graduation you are now 21 years old, young professional, happy and inspired. You now have the money through your salary.

What to do now with the salary? This is the most crucial point in our lives. This is where most of us fall behind on our goal to be financially free. Honestly we do not know how to spend the money that we earn except for those who have understood the concept of budgeting, wealth building etc. This is the stage where you should already know how to budget. You should have open a savings account and keep some of your earnings there. However most of us were not able to do this. We do not know how to budget! We spend like there’s no tomorrow when we could have started building wealth while we were young.

To be continued…..

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